I participate in the Coordinated Child Care Food Program of Pinellas, Inc. They use Minute Menus systems.
I am monitored in my home at least twice yearly by a Coordinated Child Care Food Monitor.
Some of the things that are observed during her visit may include:
That I maintain sign in and out forms for all children in care.
The meal observed contains all required components.
That I served proper portion sizes.
Cereal products contain no more that 10 grams of sugar per serving.
The meal is served at a safe temperature.
“Whole” fruit and vegetables are served at least twice a week at breakfast and twice a week at snack.
Refrigerators are maintained at 41 degrees F or below and freezers are maintained at zero degrees F or below .
Cleaning supplies are stored separately from food.
The children and I practice hand washing prior to eating.
There are no obvious fire, health or safety hazards.
Sample Menus may include:
Breakfast: waffle, mixed fruit and milk
Lunch: chicken, mac N chesse, green beans, peaches & milk
And some of our Snacks: string cheese, whole grain crackers & water; apple slices, peanut butter & water; baked apple sprinkled with granola & milk